Which Floor is Right for You When Buying an Apartment?

Which Floor is Right for you when buying an Apartment?

With the growing urban population, most cities in India are getting increasingly overcrowded. Likewise, the space to house this burgeoning population is also running out, with the result that vertical high-rise homes have now become the norm.

However, when it comes to buying an apartment in these high-rise buildings, most buyers get confused as to which floor to opt for. While each floor has its advantages and disadvantages, it has to suit your lifestyle too. Here’s a look at some factors to help you choose the best floor for you:


For those who don’t have the patience to wait for elevators during the early morning rush, the top floors are not meant for you. Lower floors also mean easily accessing the stairs and better for those without patience.


Higher floors offer beautiful views, more so if it’s located close to parks, waterfronts or stunning cityscapes. But do keep in mind that higher floors with great views come at premium prices.

Easy Evacuation

For differently-abled people or the elderly, ground floor apartments are better as they allow for easier exits in case of emergencies as well as for being generally more convenient.


The higher up the apartment, the less inundated you will be by the regular city noises. Noises made by other occupants in the common passages, elevators, and staircases are also minimized as you go higher up in the apartment building. Hence if you are looking for quieter spaces, opt for the upper floors.


Ground floor and sub-level apartments are more exposed to anti-social miscreants and are at a greater security risk if your apartment complex doesn’t have adequate security measures. Comparatively, mid-level and higher apartments offer lesser security risks.

Natural Light

In a crowded cityscape, lower level apartments have less natural light and ventilation as compared to higher floors.


The lower floors, especially the ground floor are more exposed to pests, rodents and stray animal intrusions. The lower floors also have more issues with mosquitoes than the higher floors.


Since lower floors are generally cheaper than higher floors, they are better if renting out is what you are looking for.


The higher apartments require more electricity to keep them cool, especially during the summers, so consider the added energy expenses while choosing an apartment.

Structural Defects

Generally speaking, the top floor and bottom floor are more prone to drainage and water seepage issues.

The green Fortius Waterscape apartments opposite the scenic Yele Mallappa Shetty Lake in Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore, offers premium living, no matter which floor you choose! Have a look at them here: https://www.fortiuswaterscape.com/.